This day was Sunday, so again, we went to church. In this case, Salvi and Juan Carlos' church:
A small church of red brick and white stone, with a tall bell tower.
A gold plaque on one side of the door reads "St. George's Anglican Church." Another gold plaque on the other side of the door reads "Iglesia Anglicana de San Jorge." Take your pick.
The front patio, with trees and flowers.
Inside, looking toward the front There are three small stained glass windows above the altar.
Inside, looking toward the back. There's a large round stained glass window on the back wall. Salvi is sitting in one of the pews.
The organist, a black man with a shaved head.
The back patio, with an impressively large fig tree which spreads out to cover almost the entire patio.
The church was very multicultural. The pastor was from Egypt, the organist was from Nigeria, most of the congregation were British, and the service was conducted in English. After the service was over, we all got together on the back patio for refreshments, which to my surprise, included beer and wine! We also met, and spent some time talking with, a very nice couple - she was Spanish, and he was German.
After church, we went to lunch, and on the way, I spotted this restaurant. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture, but I snagged this image from Google Street View:
A poke restaurant with a sign that reads "Pokelolo - California inspired poke bowls." A little touch of home!
Back at the house, I was puttering around on Google Maps, and I spotted something interesting - a Museum of Illusions. I decided on the spur of the moment to go see it, and to make the adventure more adventurous, I decided to take myself there on the Madrid subway.
When I got there, I discovered that it was a very popular attraction, and I wouldn't be able to get in for another hour. So I killed time, sitting around people watching, until it was my turn to go in.
It was a small museum, and many of the optical illusions on display were ones I've seen before. But there were a few very interesting items. These first three are all done with mirrors:
Where's the rest of me? My head appears to be sitting on a platter on a table, but the rest of my body is missing.
I'm beside myself. There are five of me, sitting around a table, playing cards.
Way too many of me. Hundreds of me, stretching out to infinity.
Amazing what you can do with mirrors, isn't it?
Here I am, standing straight and tall... on a cockeyed angle:
I'm standing in a room, and I appear to be leaning to my right at an impossible angle.
...but it was actually the room that was cockeyed, not me:
In this picture, it can be seen that I'm actually standing straight, and it's the room that's at an angle.
I asked a fellow traveller to take this picture of me hanging from the ceiling:
I'm standing in a room with my feet on the ceiling, and my hands stretched out toward the floor.
Well, okay, I was actually standing on the floor...
Again, it was the room that was upside down, not me... I'm standing on the floor, with my arms over my head.