Thursday, January 11 - Cozumel, Mexico

Cozumel is a small island, about 30 miles long and 9 miles wide, about 10 miles off the coast of Mexico, near the northern end of the Yucatan Peninsula. It has a cruise ship dock, but the dock only has room for two ships, and we were, apparently, the third ship there that day. So again, we had to take a tender to shore. It only took a few minutes, though. Here's a picture of the tender dock, taken as we approached it:

Cozumel Dock

On the way, I noticed another Royal Caribbean cruise ship, and I was surprised to see them lowering the lifeboats. Then I realized that nothing was wrong, it was just a safety drill. But then I noticed something else that made me wonder:


But maybe you can't tell from that picture why I say "Oops!" Here's a closeup:

I repeat... Oops!

See it? It's still not too clear in the picture, but in real life, it was quite clear: a large dent in the side of the ship. More about that later.

Today's adventure was rather tame, compared to the previous few days. We had signed up for a Mexican Folkloric Show. It was a short walk from the dock to the theater, and we got there with plenty of time to kill. They gave us a free drink, and gave us plenty of time to shop. The theater was on the second level of a small shopping arcade.

The show wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything spectacular (Terry took a nap). A song and dance revue, featuring Mexican folk music and dance through the ages. Here are some pictures:

The Theater

The Band

The Dancers

More Dancers

The Finale

In retrospect, we might have done better to rent a car and drive around the island. I looked at a map, and there were a number of points of interest that looked... well, interesting. Maybe next time.

So after the show, we went wandering around the town, getting out of the tourist area and into the local residential areas. We had lunch at a restaurant called El Abuelo Gerardo, wandered around some more, stopped at a panaderia for some pastries, wandered around some more. Here's some pictures:

A Church

A Street

And eventually, we wandered back to the ship. We had a rest, did a deck walk, went to dinner, and then to the show. This night's show was another comedian, Milt Abel. Also very funny. Here's his website.

And that was it for the day.

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