Friday, January 12 - At Sea

This was the last full day of the cruise, and was also spent at sea. It was also the roughest day of the trip. There were seasickness bags thoughfully placed at several convenient locations around the ship. I didn't need the bags, but I was a bit uncomfortable. I tried to ignore it.

In the morning, I went to hear an "Ask The Captain" session, in which the captain and two of his senior officers answered questions from the passengers:

Ask The Captain

And sure enough, someone asked about the dent in the other ship! Whereupon the captain launched into a speech about safety, and how concern for passenger's safety is their number one priority, etc., etc. And then he admitted that the ship got banged up one day while docking; seems they got a little too close to the dock.

Later that morning Terry and I went for a dip in one of the hot tubs in the solarium, and then we watched a flag parade, in which a number of crew members paraded around the deck, each carrying the flag of his or her country of origin:

Flag Parade

For a change, we had lunch that day in the main dining room, where we shared a table with several of the people who had been with us on the Land Rover tour in Belize, including the guy from Rhode Island.

In the afternoon, the VIPs got together for a litle socializing, and then we went back to the cabin to rest, and get started packing. And at this point, I should mention another crew member who was very helpful during our trip:

Nyoman, Our Cabin Steward

...otherwise known as "The Invisible Man." We hardly ever saw the guy. Occasionally, we'd pass him in the corridor. But whenever we left the cabin, we'd come back to find the bed made, and everything neat and clean, and sometimes we'd find a towel folded into the shape of a bird or animal:

Towel Swan

One time, we found a towel folded into the shape of a monkey, hanging from a clothes hanger. I tried to take a picture of that, but it didn't come out.

I mentioned earlier that there was a grand piano in the dining room. I don't remember what night it started, but for the last few nights of the cruise, there was a little white-haired old man playing the piano every night at dinner. And as it turned out, he was a passenger! I never did find out his name, or how he managed to get permission to play.

That night's show featured the "action comedy" of Michael James. This was a guy who did things like ride a unicyle while juggling, or while carrying a volunteer from the audience on his shoulders. He also climbed a ladder, the bottom of which was on the stage, and the top of which... was in midair. All while carrying on a running commentary of corny jokes. After he finished his act, Gavin came on for a grand finale, featuring many, if not all, of the ship's crew:

The Grand Finale

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