Monday, August 31

This being a workday, and as I was still unemployed at the time, I got up early to continue scanning online job boards, looking for work. About 11:00, Bob and Jean picked us up, and we headed into downtown Columbus. On the way, we drove by Jean's old house, where she and her first husband lived for many years, and where she continued to live until she and Bob bought their current house about three years ago.

We had lunch at Schmidt's Sausage Haus: German Village (w) , a historic district south of downtown. Of course, being a Sausage Haus, they feature:


Terry and I had the lunch buffet. Too much food, all of it good. After lunch, we went around the corner to:

Schmidt's Fudge Haus

...for dessert. In the restaurant parking lot, I saw this tree, and I took its picture just because I thought those long seed pods looked interesting. I have no idea what kind of tree it is.

After lunch, we drove around for a while. We drove through a high end neighborhood and admired the expensive houses. We also stopped at the cemetery and visited the graves of Jean's first husband Wilbur, and Linda's husband Steve. As we drove out of the cemetery, I saw a flock of geese crossing the lawn:

We then drove back to the hotel and took an afternoon nap, and then joined Bob and Jean for dinner at the Olive Garden. It was Jean's birthday (actually, her birthday is September 1st, but never mind), so Linda and Larry were there, as well as some of Jean's friends:

Left to right: Terry, Jean, Linda, Larry, Brenda, Gerry

Bob & Gerry

The orange glow in those pictures comes from the sun shining through those yellow curtains.

After dinner, Terry and I took a drive. A few miles farther east of Pataskala is the town of Newark, home of the Newark Earthworks (w) , a series of prehistoric earthen mounds and ditches. I had read about them in the AAA Tour Book, and wanted to see them. Unfortunately, it was almost dark by the time I got there, so I couldn't see much. But what I did see looked rather mystical and eerie in the twilight.

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